Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An open letter to our readers

Hello dear ACNS readers!

First off, I would just like to thank you for your support of ACNS!! What started as a little blog about my cat has become something much more - an online community of sorts where some of my closest friends and I can share our thoughts and dreams with you all. It's been a wild ride so far, and I can only hope for an even better future!

The reason for this letter to you, dear readers, is to figure out how to best commemorate the 6 month anniversary of the opening of our proverbial doors. Next Wednesday, October 28th is the big day for all of us to reminisce about all the memories we've shared together, as well as the growth that we've experienced. To date, our biggest day came on September 16th, when we had 225 page loads from 89 unique visitors! I don't know about you, but I'm impressed that something I started from the comfort of my bedroom in a dingy 2nd floor apartment has grown into something larger than even I could imagine, in all my ambitious glory.

In these 6 months, with the help of our ever-increasing ad revenues, I have been able to hire 5 other writers to the blog to increase both the quality and frequency of our content. While I can't pay them enough to entice them to write full time, the extra cash keeps them coming back - In this economy, every little bit helps, and I'm glad to be the guy able to help them solve their problems. This is a stepping stone in my goal to become a full-fledged blogger, with a team of minions to help line my pockets.

What I ask from you, valued customers (because that's how we view each of you here - as customers...), is to please leave a comment letting us know how you think we can improve this endeavor and leave this space even better than we found it. When I stumbled upon this domain name, it was a wasteland, and we've turned it into an oasis of ridiculousness and enlightenment. With your help, we can make this the online version of the pre-recession Dubai. Tell us what you want - After all, if you don't come here, we won't make any money!


Again, thanks for your readership, and here's to the next 6 months!


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