Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I would just like to thank those of you (and yes, there were a couple) who expressed real concern for Bill's & my relationship. We're doing just fine now, and no, I don't need a place to stay for a few days while we both "think things over" or "let the situation cool down a bit"...

For those of you that actually did think that Bill & I were fighting, The joke is on you. It just seems eerily silent around here, save for Brian's post breaking the awkward exchange of faux venom.

On another note, as Brian mentioned, it is in fact my birthday today. I have turned the ripe old age of 26. I want to give a shout out to Teddy who bought me Chipotle for lunch today. I would also like to give a shout out to my coworkers for buying me this wonderfully delicious cake decorated like a hamburger...complete with real sesame seeds on the bun...


  1. How about your Mom for carrying you - on BEDREST for months- and then having to have MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY to birth you - and then having to look at you in INTENSIVE CARE for 3 weeks - then having to be up many more nights than I care to remember and dealing with your allergies and asthma, ear infections, leaving the house as a toddler where I couldn't find you (nearly giving me a heart attack) and then proceeding to homeschool you for 12 years!! What about that, Huh? ;D I love you.

  2. Hmm, that sounds like my experience with Bill. No wonder they get along so well, they are so much alike! Yeah, how about that William,
    Love, Mom

  3. I was scared you guys were fighting for real and I would have to choose sides - Al
