Monday, November 2, 2009

Ohio's Real Problem

Ohio needs to step up and grow a pair.

At this very moment, a debate rages over the possibility of allowing casinos to open their doors for business within the borders of the state, the proponents promise the creation of 34,000 new jobs in the state, effectively "solving" the unemployment issues we are currently facing, in addition, the incoming tax revenues created through the tourism & entertainment appeal of the casinos would stabilize the struggling local economies. Opponents of "Issue 3", set to be voted on tomorrow make the case for keeping casinos out of the local neighborhoods because they claim that the figures of new jobs and projected revenue are grossly overstated, not to mention certain provisions that give complete controlling interest of the casinos to certain people - who happen to operate outside the state of Ohio. 

This is a trivial debate, and not something with which I will waste any more time. 

No, the real problem with Ohio's economy & overall resident happiness lies in the quality of life being provided by business owners in the state. While the casino debate rages on, there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed by both the state house & senate. 

About a week and a half ago, I traveled to Pennsylvania for Buck's wedding. While my general opinion of Pennsylvania is that it kinda sucks, the quaint little town of Bethlehem provided me the opportunity to develop a new perspective from the original opinions formed from visiting Pittsburgh and it's filthy surroundings. 

In my re-acquaintance with the state, I realized that while I love my home state, my previously dismissive attitude toward Pennsylvania had been changed. It wasn't due to the beauty of the surrounding farming communities or the old-fashioned setting of the downtown area, but rather the quality of the convenience stores & the beer offered. Specifically, the presence of Wawa stores & Yuengling beer.

Yuengling springs forth from the oldest operating brewery in the United States. A 5th generation family-owned business, the quality of their lager beers is unparalleled in terms of taste to price ratio. Unfortunately, it is only offered East of the Western Pennsylvania border, where it reigns triumphantly at the meager price of $6.99 for a 12 pack. 

While Yuengling offers the customer a time-tested tradition of brewing excellence, Wawa is a more modern experience that cannot be described quite as easily. At first glance, Wawa seems nothing more than a gas station coupled with the standard convenience store anemities. Despite this clever facade, the experience that Wawa provides is uniqe and unmatched. In their quest to provide the best possible customer experience, they have included everything. Have a hankerin' for some quality coffee? They can not only provide it, but the consistently fresh-brewed selection is unrivaled, only to be enhanced by the options of fresh milk, half-and-half, full cream, and even Irish Cream as a benefit to their customers. Personally, I have never expereinced iced coffee quite as fantastic either.

In addition to their fantastic coffee, Wawa also offers a made-to-order food service where you can nourish yourself with a full meal. Soft pretzels are readily available - again, always fresh & delicious, made with love. There are even more pieces to the experience that I can't think of at the moment, but undubitably underappreciate. Indescribable. 

Ohio needs these things. Overall, both Yuengling & Wawa will improve the quality of life for Ohio's extremely loyal residents, without the possibility of attracting the usual swindling riff-raff known to frequent the casino scene. I know it's a long shot to expect things to change overnight in Ohio, but that doesn't mean that my opinion is worth nothing. Let's get working to get these products in Ohio, I'm writing my congressman right now. 

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